Sunday, June 12, 2011

INTERFACE Staff and Student Pics...

We've had these 11 students (one couldn't make the pictures) at our campus for 3 weeks now.  Just two more weeks and they'll be flying back to their homes in the US - with a changed perspective on their lives and missions, we hope!

And here's us staff!  A couple more weeks and some of these will be heading back home, too.  Our staff is always changing as the Lord brings people through Interface, and there are always goodbyes to be of the hardest things about being a missionary.  But then God brings new people here to serve and they become just as much a part of the family as those who left. 

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE that you have a blog. I'm trying again to comment after your instructions for dummies! Your pictures are so great and it gives me a chance to see your life. You are so blessed to live a beautiful spot with those who are family to you close by ... well, maybe it's a mixed blessing some days, but I get a smile on my face every time I think of you and where you are!! You are the blessing!


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