Friday, December 16, 2011

2011 Katagu Games

 Each year our community of Katagu hosts their annual Christmas Games, where teams come from around the valley to compete in volleyball and basketball during the month of December.  I knew this went on each year but had never attended, and I had no idea it was such a huge event!  A few of us went to the Opening Ceremonies and got a good dose of PNG culture.

The Grand Stand...PNG style.

 Some of the courts.

Side attractions were needed, of course.

 We were really smart and sat right in the sun.  That didn't last long.

After a long time waiting, the dignitaries and politicians began arriving with much pomp.  My co-worker, Pete, was invited to be a part of the ceremonies to represent Interface.  I love the girls in front all dressed up blowing bubbles and wearing sunglasses.

It looks like two different worlds but they're all amazingly still one.  Each politician/pastor/representative from the area took turns giving elaborate speeches and singing the praises of the Katagu community, and ended with how much money they were donating to the annual games.  

Sellers trying to make a bit of profit from the Games.

For over two years I've been eyeing this bilum (string bag) every time I've seen this lady carrying it, and I figured it was finally time to do something about it.  I spotted her at the Games and sat down with her to tell her how long I'd been eyeing her bilum, and a few minutes later it was mine!  It was a win win situation - I was happy with my long-awaited bilum, and she was happy with a bit of extra cash in her pocket.

Peter works on our campus and has a quirky sense of humor.

 Being rainy season, the sudden downpour came as no surprises and the speeches were interrupted by people dashing for cover.

This was our view for the rest of the event.

Not quite the model Calvin Klein had in mind, I'm sure.

 Time to head home.  Sometimes life is just easier in bare feet.

The pigs run wild here but they know who their owners are and always end up back at home.  Unless they're running loose around our campus trying to dodge hungry dogs. 

Home sweet home - the final decent to Interface.

Thanks, Jack Housley, for letting me use some of your great pics!

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