Sunday, October 27, 2013

Being "Here"

They say that "home is where the heart is," but my heart is a global traveller and can't make up its mind sometimes.  There are so many reasons that I'm thankful to be back home in Canada right now, but there are moments when I think about memories or look back on pictures of Papua New Guinea (like the road often travelled pictured here) and I feel that ache again.  The two places are equally home for me and I sometimes feel stuck in the middle of two worlds. 

If you're a frequenter of my blog you'll have noticed that I haven't had much to say the past few months.  To be honest, I feel like I've lost a bit of my inspiration.  There seemed to be a never ending supply of things to write about in Papua New Guinea - there was always something out of the ordinary going on, or some colorful character giving me a story to write about.  When you're used to barely-clothed men in feathers dancing at your doorstep (the same dancer who took his deceased relative's stained dentures so he didn't have to buy his own pair), it's a bit harder to find exciting things to write about back in North America.  

There are so many things that (granted, although less obviously exciting) make life just as beautiful back here. The vibrant Autumn leaves falling all around you and board games, pj's and lattes with Mom. There are kisses from nieces and notes left on your desk from one saying, "Always love no matter what" that make you want to cry. There are bruises from working with Dad who let's you use his power tools and make mistakes because "that's the way you learn."  

It's easy to mourn what was, and it takes effort sometimes to live in the "now" and be intentionally grateful for the beautiful things that are right in front of you.  I've needed to be reminded of that this week in a big way.  

So thanks for bearing with me as I learn to be "here" and discover my new exciting. $


  1. Loved this. I can relate so much with what you wrote...and even though I'm now in a place that on many levels is still exotic and foreign to me, I still struggle (4 years on!) with so much of what you wrote since we left the beautiful Philippines. Thinking of and praying for you today! xx

  2. Dear Lord,

    Please help Julie to rest in you, and trust your plan for whatever it might be. Please give her a vision to prepare for what you have next for her. For this moment, please help her to enjoy where she is and the people that are around her and to minister to them.


    God bless!

    Frank H.

  3. BTW, Thanks for writing and posting pictures. I like reading your posts!

    Frank H.

  4. Thanks for being honest and sharing your heart. I'm finding that with all the "not normal" things that happen here, I have a lot to write about, but that can also keep me from engaging on a deeper level and actually sharing my heart. ;) This blogging life is just tough! =D Love you!!! Oh, and if your traveling heart ever wants to visit Tanzania, you know where to come for free room and board! ;)


Thanks for commenting! :)