Sunday, November 24, 2013

On Our Way

Two days into our trip across Canada and my dad and I have left British Columbia, passed through Alberta and are now on our way through Saskatchewan.  Except for a few sketchy sections of highway along the way we've had great roads and haven't seen any accidents (except for a truck that slid into a ditch).  Thank you, Lord, for clear roads and a healthy car so far!

As we got closer to Jasper, Mt. Robson came into view and took our breath away.  You can't even see the top of it in the clouds!

This one, below, looked like something out of a magical world.

This is called the "point and run" pose.

We saw several flocks of small birds eating off the highway at one point, and one flock wasn't quite quick enough to get out of the way.  We must have had about 8 or 9 of them hit our windshield and we noticed this unfortunate guy later.

We were trying to find the town of Jasper and instead found ourselves on this road.  No, we didn't obey the sign.  We live life on the edge, and "the edge" in this case happened to be a dead-end CN Railroad yard. Better excitement next time, maybe.

It was pretty comical to see a whole herd of big-horned sheep refusing to get off the highway.  Semi's were honking their horns and vehicles were driving all around them and they wouldn't budge.

We made a stop in Olds, Alberta, to visit a good friend of mine (and her family) who I went to High School with in Papua New Guinea.  

And then came the prairies.  Beautiful in their own way.

Here's dad trying to prove how warm it was this afternoon.  

We'd planned on spending the night in Regina, but apparently it's impossible to find a hotel the same weekend as the Grey Cup.  Had we any knowledge of sports whatsoever we may have been tipped off about this a whole lot earlier than this morning.  So, we change our plans!  What fun would this trip be if we can't make a few memories along the way, right?


  1. Oh my goodness! Amazing scenery! What a contrast to the Philippines and PNG :-)


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