Thursday, July 11, 2013

Around the World in 14 Days

I look back over recent months and am amazed that just six months ago I was living contentedly at Interface, oblivious to the fact that in just a month I'd be packing up my home, in three months I'd be leaving my ministry and in six months I'd be on my way back across the world to live in Canada.  What an incredible 4 1/2 years it's been!!  And truly, what a privelege it was to live and serve in PNG. 
 I got to spend one last Canada Day in PNG with good friends.

 I knew that saying goodbye to my "baby," Wyatt, would break my heart, but God provided such an amazing new home for him (beyond my prayers and expectations) that I couldn't help but be so happy.
 I spent a morning in the villages around Interface saying goodbye to friends and was thankful for one last hug from my village papa, Judge Peter.

 I'm going to miss these trails.

 I couldn't believe the awesome chance God opened up for me to fly to the coast for a few days to say goodbye to some previous Interface co-workers who were back in country.  It did my heart good to visit with Janie Miles again, who'd left Interface in November.

 Jacob & Beth Devine (with their new baby Jonathan) had left Interface last year for nine months, not knowing when they left that they'd be returning to a closed campus and a new ministry and home in a completely different place.  Without going to the coast I don't know when I would have seen them next.
 Big smiles and bittersweet hearts at the Goroka airport. Five months ago myself and two other Interface families were joking about travelling home together through Hawaii, but amazingly enough the joke turned into reality!  Pete & Lesley Doerksen with their three kids and Drew & Bobbi Scholl and their four kids have been the greatest travelling companions.
 Our travels took us first through the Philippines for a three day layover.  A picture's worth a thousand words.
 I really enjoyed catching up with old friends from when I lived in Manila six years ago.  Here I am with my Ate Cynthia whose joyful attitude and love for the Lord have long been a blessing to me.

 Three days in Manila and we're ready for the next leg.

 Just a little excited to be on the way to Hawaii.

 Lugging luggage for 12 around the world was not so fun. 
 This may look like just any old meal, but having not had any of it for years made it a delicacy for us. Endless choices of deli meats, cheddar cheese, non-stale chips and real milk! *sigh of happines*

 We took a walk along the beach the next morning for breakfast and coffee.

 This is exactly how we felt about being in Hawaii.

 Gorgeous views of the Na Pali coast.

 It was so windy we had to fight to keep our balance!

 Hanalei Bay.

This trip across the world with great friends has been such a gift!  Our emotions over the past months have run high, and we've grown even closer as we've hurt, cried, prayed, and learned to praise the Lord together through it all.  In a situation that tempted to ruin our trust in the Lord, we've come through it only with a deeper confidence in the goodness of our God who cares enough to bring us through difficult times to grow us and mold us and make His strength more perfect in our lives. 
"Taste and see that the Lord is good."


  1. Loved reading this, Julie. So glad that you were able to have these special times and memories with such great friends. What a gift! (And a 3-day stop in the Philippines?!?!? How cool is that!?!?) :-)

  2. Aww,thanks Sarah! It really was a tremendous gift, and stopping in the Philippines was a special treat. My Tagalog was miserable but I got by. :0) P.S...can you let me know if you get this comment back? I'm unsure how to respond to comments on my blog.


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