Wednesday, August 7, 2013

A Tribute

Being home has been a whirlwind and I confess that I haven't given much thought to any posts in several weeks.  This blog was originally inspired by the many bugs and many bananas of my life in Papua New Guinea, so I thought it fitting (in lieu of a better post) to pay tribute to its title with this, my first Canadian bug.  While visiting family on Vancouver Island, we headed to the waterfront for fish & chips, and getting some good shots of sea birds being fed.  I got a few shots of the birds, but got sidetracked by this tiny arachnid who I thought deserved some camera time as well.

1 comment:

  1. Ha! I got all comfy thinking I was going to read a really long post about something monumental like PNG or your parents or something else really significant in your life. Nope. Just one paragraph about a spider that's so small I can't even see it on my iPod. :D


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